Application form for Summer School for Refugee Rights and Migration 2021: Refugees, migration and the “new normal”
Refugee Law and Migration Center at the Iustinianus Primus Law Faculty, University Ss. Cyril and Methodius-Skopje in collaboration with the UNHCR Representation in North Macedonia and in cooperation with the International Institute of Humanitarian Law in Sanremo, hosts a summer school on Refugee Rights and Migration with a special focus on the topic: Refugees, migration and the “new normal”.

The program will be delivered in English therefore the participants need to speak English fluently.
This program is designed specifically for students and students from any and all disciplines are welcome to attend. The only prerequisite is that applicants must have taken at least one introductory course in social science, political science, history, or law. There is no restriction on students from any level of study (undergraduate, master’s, PhD) participating in the course.
Students will receive a certificate upon completion of the course.
The 2021 edition of the Summer school on Refugee rights and migration is offered free of charge, yet the selection of participants will be made on a competitive basis.

Information on the program can be found on our website:

Important deadlines:
-registration deadline: 17.08.2021
-notification of selected participants: 19.08.2021
-summer school session-from 23.8.2021 to 26.8.2021

Instagram: @refugeelawcenter

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Name and surname *
Gender *
Phone number *
Country of birth *
Country of residence (if different from country of birth)
Study cycle *
Motivation letter (300 - 500 words) *
Submission of CV (In English)
Dear applicant,

Please submit your CV to the following email:

We look forward to reviewing your application
I give my consent to the organizational board to process my information for the needs of the program *
I give my consent for the sessions to be recorded and pictures to be taken for later use in promotional material *
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