Get To Know Ya!
Hey there! Looks like you've got a sweet tooth. Yay* I'm your local Bristol CT sugar cookie baker, and I'm here to assist. Use this form to tell me a little bit more about your order. Once you click submit, I'll reach out to you to confirm details, collect payment and get started!

Note - My recipe contains NUTS. This is just an informational form - this doesn't confirm your order, nor does it collect payment. Just a quick way for us to get to know what you're looking for with your custom cookie set!
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First Name and Last Name *
Email *
My dozens start at $80 and go up depending on detail. Two dozen minimum. Does that work for you? *
How many dozen would you like? *
What date would you like to pick up your cookie order? *
Awesome! What time? *
Now let's get creative! Describe what you'd like! Talk to me about colors, design styles, inspiration, etc. I will ask for inspiration pictures later. *
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