2024 FIM Rosh Hashana Volunteer Form

Set-Up on Rosh Hashana Eve - Wednesday, October 2nd:

Set-up involves arranging the use of carts, relocation of the Sifrei Torah, Machzorim, Seforim, Taleseim, Aron Hakodesh, cleaning and setting up the Community house, arranging a Bima and building of a Mechitza. 

Breakdown on Motzei Shabbat - Saturday, October 5th:

Breakdown involves arranging the use of carts, disassembling, collecting, packing, and returning the FIM belongings (in the dark), and restoring the Community Center and FIM. 

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Please include the names of those in your party that can assist with setup on Rosh Hashana Eve as described above. *
Please include the names of those in your party that can assist with breakdown on Motzei Shabbat as described above. *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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