ITS Application Form - 2020/2021
Thank you for your interest in the Innovative Teaching Scholars program! Please answer the following questions to help us select the inaugural cohort.

- There are no right or wrong answers. We are looking for candidates with different levels of teaching experience, and from different disciplines.
- Only the Stanford ITS team will have access to your responses. We will not share responses with anyone at or outside of your university without your permission.
-Please review the dates and times for the course sessions in the following document: Attendance to all sessions is required.
- You need to apply alongside one colleague from your same department (even if you don’t teach together). Each person should complete their own application via this form. Question 23 will ask for the name of your colleague.
- We estimate that completing this application will take about 20-30 minutes. There are 24 questions, both multiple choice and open-ended questions, and all are required. Please browse all the questions before you star, and set aside the time to answer thoughtfully.

Thanks, and we look forward to reading your application!

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About You
1. Your name *
Your gender *
2. Your institutional email *
3. Your title *
4. Your university *
5. Your department *
6. What is your role? *
7. Training activities will be conducted in English. Please rate your ability to do the following (1 being poor, 5 being excellent): *
Understand spoken English
Write in English
Speak English
Fall 2020 Teaching
8. Please describe the course(s) you will teach in the Fall semester 2020. Include: 1) the full course title (ex: “Basic Physics”) not the course abbreviation (ex: “SCPY 177”); 2) a brief description; 3) who your students will be (ex: first-year undergraduate engineering students); and 4) how many students you estimate will attend. *
9. In which language will you teach in the Fall? *
10. How will you teach in the Fall? *
Your Teaching Experience
11. How many years of teaching experience do you have? *
12. Please list courses you have taught in the past 3 years (Please use the full course title format (ex: “Basic Physics”), not the course abbreviation (ex: “SCPY 177”) *
13. Describe something you have changed in one of your courses in the past year, and why you made the change. *
14. Describe something you would like to change in a course you teach in the near future, if anything, and why you want to make that change. *
15. What are some aspects of your courses that can’t be changed and why? *
16. Briefly describe a classroom assignment or lesson plan from the past year that had a positive impact on your students. *
17. What kind of collaborators or guests have you had in your courses in the past couple of years? (select all that apply) *
18. What are your aspirations for the students you teach? *
19. From your perspective, which of these components of your work are valued the most at your university? Put them in order of importance with #1 being the most important: *
Community service/Academic Service Work
Administrative work
Co-curricular activities
20. If you want to make a change in a course you are teaching: *
21. How often do you: *
Discuss the planning of your courses with colleagues in your department
Discuss how your courses are going with colleagues in your department
Discuss the outcomes of your courses with colleagues in your department
Discuss the planning of your courses with colleagues outside of of your department
Discuss how your courses are going with colleagues outside of your department
Discuss the outcomes of your courses with colleagues outside of your department
22. Describe an example of what innovative teaching looks like to you -- this could be something a colleague of yours has done, something you have done, or something you’ve read or heard about. *
23. Who is the colleague from your department who is applying alongside you? *
24. Have you reviewed the schedule for the program and are able to attend all sessions? *
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