2023-2024 St. Sebastian School Beforecare and Aftercare Enrollment Form
For clarification:
REGULAR use means we will expect your child/ren to participate every day of the week, or on a schedule that remains the same weekly.
OCCASIONAL use means we will expect your child to attend only on a day you call or send a note that you need to use the program. (Example: Only in emergencies, once a month, once every few weeks, maybe not at all)
Please let us know your needs. We will do our best to accommodate extraordinary needs, if possible.  
In Google anmelden, um den Fortschritt zu speichern. Weitere Informationen
Family Name *
Please list the name of each student and their corresponding grade. *
Will your child/ren need to use the AFTERCARE Program (2:35-5:30 p.m.) on a REGULAR basis?            
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Will your child/ren need to use the AFTERCARE Program (2:35-5:30 p.m.) on a OCCASIONAL basis?
Auswahl löschen
If your child/ren needs to use the AFTERCARE Program (2:35-5:30 p.m.) on an OCCASIONAL basis, please indicate tentatively how often you will need to use the program.
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If your child/ren need to use the BEFORECARE Program  (7:00 - 7:30 a.m.) on a REGULAR basis?
Auswahl löschen
Will your child/ren need to use the BEFORECARE Program (7:00 - 7:30 a.m.) on an OCCASIONAL basis?  
Auswahl löschen
If your child/ren needs to use the BEFORECARE Program (7:00 - 7:30 a.m.) on an OCCASIONAL basis, please indicate tentatively how often you will need to use the program.
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