Korean Studies Event - Career Talk Series 
Date and Time: Sep 21 and 22, from 6 pm to 8 pm 
Venue: Sep 21 - CYPP3
              Sep 22 - CPD-2.58

The event information on the schedule and the speakers: please scan the code 
Will you be attending the talk? 행사에 참가하십니까?  *
What year are you in? 몇 학년이십니까?  *
What would you like to know about getting a job in Korean company or applying to a Korean graduate school? 한국 회사 취업이나 한국 대학원 진학에 대해 무엇을 알고 싶으십니까?  *
Do you have any Korean company or graduate school/study field that you are interested in? If so, please specify. 관심이 있는 한국 회사나 한국의 대학원/전공이 있으면 써 주십시오. 
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