2023 RISE Conference Proposal Application
After a pandemic-break, we're so excited to have RISE Conference return for another year! We’d like your proposals for sessions and speakers.

Each pitch should align with one or all of the four pillars of our conference:

R - Race (navigating predominantly white newsrooms, decolonizing media, “objectivity”)  
I - Innovation (new business models, community-driven journalism)
S - Social Justice (equity, equal pay, representative news coverage)
E - Excellence (learning cutting-edge skills from leading racialized journalists)

Before submitting your proposal, ask yourself these questions:

• Is the topic for your proposed session innovative, timely and well thought out?
• Does your proposed session meet the needs of an audience of journalists of colour?
• Do you clearly explain the objectives and takeaways for your proposed session?
• Does your proposed session translate well in a virtual environment?

Here’s what we don’t want:

• Sales pitches. This is not an opportunity to market your business to a diverse audience. Please ensure your proposed session does not appear to sell or promote any particular product or service.
• Proposals without contact information. If we can’t reach you, then we won’t be able to follow up about your proposed session!

SUBMISSION DEADLINE: February 28, 2023.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
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Proposed session title:
Summarize your proposed session in no more than two paragraphs.
List the full names of all the presenters for your proposed session, and explain why they’re the best people to participate.
Have these presenters already confirmed their participation?
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Please include links to their relevant work
What topic(s) will your session focus on?
What is the format for your proposed session?
Clear selection
How long will your proposed session be?
Clear selection
What category of “RISE” (i.e. Race, Innovation, Social Justice, Excellence) does your proposed session fit under?
Clear selection
Who is your target audience?
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What specific, measurable takeaways will audience members get from your proposed session?
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