Fall Session 2024 Registration
Arte Violenta

West Village, NYC


Season Session
All classes 6:30-8:30pm

The Monday Mix - Unarmed & Single Sword
Instructor: Jacqueline Holloway & Gabe Rosario
September 23rd - November 26th

(SAFD/FDC testing & renewals available, reach out for more details!) 
Instructor: Jacqueline Holloway & Melanie Liebetrau
September 24th - December 3rd
*Additional adjudication fee if testing: TBA 

Small Sword
Instructor: Jacqueline Holloway
September 26th - December 5th

If money is a barrier to training, please contact arteviolenta@gmail.com to make alternative payment arrangements. A limited number of full & partial scholarships are available as well as payment plans

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Email *
Full Name *
Pronouns or identifiers
 Contact phone number *
Contact email address *
Emergency contact (name and phone number) *
Class choice. Check all that apply *
We have a tentative plan for a Society of American Fight Directors adjudication. Do you plan to test or renew in any weapon?
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If you are planning to test or renew, please check the weapons you're preparing:
Briefly describe your previous stage combat training, if any. Who your instructor(s) were and roughly how many hours of training you have. 
I understand that unless I have made payment arrangements with Jacqueline, tuition is due in full at time of registration. (if money is a barrier to training, please contact arteviolenta@gmail.com to make alternative payment arrangements) *
 Is there anything you want to share with us prior to starting class? (Previous experience, personal goals, accessibility needs etc)
When is your birthday?
Can we give you a birthday shoutout on social media?
If you’re joining us for the first time, welcome! How did you find out about us?
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