e4usa AP Engineering Credit Initiative
After more than 20 years of advocacy by the American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE), the National Academy of Engineering (NAE), and numerous K-12 Engineering Education proponents, the College Board (CB) in partnership with the National Science Foundation is seriously considering introducing an Advanced Placement® Course in Engineering. This potential new AP® Engineering course would cover most "Introduction to Engineering Design" curriculum that is taught at most colleges and universities in the nation. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity for the engineering community to leverage the College Board's® interest to create a new AP® Engineering course.  However, the College Board® needs for more than 100 institutions in the United States, to attest that they will allow high school students to receive credit for and place out of their introductory engineering course if an AP® Engineering course is offered and covers the same curriculum.

Most colleges of engineering have sought new ways to recruit high school students into the fields of engineering. A proposed AP® Engineering represents a new approach that could radically increase interest into the field to expand the workforce of the United States. 

With this as background information, we would like for each institution to provide answers to the questions below.  Should you have any questions, please contact Engineering for US All (e4usa) at info@e4usa.org. 
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Your First Name *
Your Last Name
Your Email Address *
Your Job Title: *
Your College or University *
Does your institution currently award credit for any high school engineering courses (e.g., dual enrollment, e4usa, Project Lead The Way)? *
Would your institution be willing to award in-major credit for an AP Engineering course aligned with introductory engineering standards? *
Are there specific resources or support your institution would need to participate in this initiative effectively?
What concerns or challenges do you foresee in implementing this initiative at your institution?
When do you think your institution could begin offering this credit?
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