Help us understand our Alumni better
KJSCE thrives on the achievements of our alumni. It is their accomplishments that bring pride and honor to this college. Alumni Cell strives to bridge the connection between the alumni and the students of our college. We are sure that the successes of our alums will drive students to reach even greater heights.

This form aims to improve collaboration between the alumni and students for mutual benefit and celebrate the achievements of our esteemed alumni.

We would love for you to spare a moment and help us get to know you better!
Email *
Name *
Year of Passing *
Branch *
Contact Number
Country *
LinkedIn Profile
Would you like to contribute in our events?
Alumni Cell conducts events to expose the students of KJSCE to the world after engineering. In the past, we have conducted events on Data Science, preparation for MBA, placements, and various other topics. In these events, we ask our alumni to share their invaluable experiences and expertise to give the students an in-depth and practical understanding of the subject. We would love to know if you are willing to spare your time to conduct a few sessions at our events.
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