2022 Neshaminy Redskins Football Youth Camp
Registration for the 27th Annual Neshaminy Redskins Football Summer Youth Camp for students entering grades 3-9 is in now underway! The camp will be held at Neshaminy High School from 8:00AM - Noon July 11-15. The camp is open to players from all school districts and youth programs.

Registering for the camp begins with completing the form below. A final confirmation email will follow once payment has been received.

Looking forward to seeing everyone at Maple Point on July 11!

Neshaminy Football Youth Camp Contacts
Cell: 267.246.7674
Email: nfrench@neshaminy.org
Twitter: https://twitter.com/NeshaminySkins
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Email *
Camper Last Name *
Camper First Name *
Grade Entering in September 2022 *
Offensive Position *
Defensive Position *
School Attending September 2022 *
Date of Birth *
Street Address *
City *
State *
Zip Code *
Alternate Parent Email Address 1 (If Necessary)
Alternate Parent Email Address 2 (If Necessary)
Home Phone Number (###.###.####)
Parent/Guardian 1 Last Name *
Parent/Guardian 1 First Name *
Parent/Guardian 1 Cell Number *
Parent/Guardian 2 Last Name
Parent/Guardian 2 First Name
Parent/Guardian 2 Cell Number
T-Shirt Size (Adult Sizes Only) *
Known Allergies
Current Medications
Emergency Contact 1 Last Name *
Emergency Contact 1 First Name *
Emergency Contact 1 Phone Number *
Emergency Contact 2 Last Name
Emergency Contact 2 First Name
Emergency Contact 2 Phone Number
*Participation Authorization* - I understand that our child(ren) will be engaged in actual playing of the sport of football, and as with any sport, accident and injury can occur. I agree on my behalf and on the behalf of my child(ren) not to hold the Neshaminy Football coaching staff or camp counselors responsible or liable for any occurrence involving the child(ren) while attending this program. I agree to release and discharge these instructors from any claim, demand or damages from any actions and causes of action arising out of any occurrence while at the camp. I have insurance coverage which I feel is adequate. I understand clearly that the organizers of this program do not carry medical insurance. Please initial below to confirm authorization. *
Payment Option *
Captionless Image
Is there any additional information you would like us to know about your camper?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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