We are now accepting submissions for the 2024 Virtual Graduate Research Network. For more information about the Graduate Research Network, visit our Web site at http://www.gradresearchnetwork.org or email grn@gradresearchnetwork.org.
The 2024 GRN is going virtual to expand access to as many participants as possible. This year's event will take place June 10-14th, a week before the Computers & Writing conference. There will also be an onsite event designed to encourage research collaboration.
Schedule At-a Glance
All meetings are virtual. We recommend that groups decide how they would like to divide their meeting times over the course of three days. Meeting details will be sent on Thursday, June 6th.
Virtual GRN Working Groups
Monday, June 10
Working Groups meet between 11AM to 4PM ET.
Wednesday, June 12
Working Groups meet between 11AM to 4PM ET.
Friday, June 14, 4PM-6PM ET
Method Mixer (Ft. Worth/TCU)
Thursday, June 20, 12-4PM
The deadline for registration has passed but you can still register for to participate in the working groups and job workshop. Registration is required to participate.