Lorne Foreshore - Market Stallholder Waitlist
Seaside Market Hosted by Lorne P-12 Parent Volunteers.
Market Time: 9am - 4pm 
Event Address: Lorne Foreshore, Vic 3232.

Saturday 27th January – Australia Day Weekend
Saturday 30th March – Easter Saturday
Saturday 8th June – Kings Birthday Weekend
Saturday 2nd November 2024 – Melbourne Cup Weekend

Welcome to our WAITLIST system.
Please read the following carefully.
Connectez-vous à Google pour enregistrer votre progression. En savoir plus
Adresse e-mail *
First Name *
Surname *
Email *
Please Enter Your Email Address Again For Confirmation.
Phone Number *
Which 2024 Market Would You Like To Wait For? *
Stall Name *
What Type of Items do you sell? *
Are your items to be eco-friendly, healthy and/or sustainable?
Yes or No. If so, please explain why?
Site Pricing
Standard site - 4x8m -- $80
Corner site - 4x8m -- $90
Hot Food site - 4x8m -- $85
Powered Hot Food site - 4x8m -- $90
Which site do you require? *
Standard & Corner Sites are 4 Meters Wide x 8 Meters Deep and are UNPOWERED.
Unpowered Hot Food Sites are 4 Meters Wide by 8 Meters Deep.
Powered Hot Food Sites are 8 Meters Wide by 4 Meters Deep.

You must fit within this space to trade, one vehicle may be left onsite if it fits within your allocated site.
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