#PerfMatters Diversity Scholarship Application
We don't have funds to provide hotel or airfare, but we are offering partial scholarships of 25%, 50%, and 75% as well as full registration scholarships, based on need and ability to pay. We also have a Slack channel dedicated to shared housing where you can hopefully find someone willing to share the second bed in their hotel room with you.
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How many web development or other tech conferences have you attended in the past?
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How did you hear about #PerfMatters?
What do you hope to get out of #PerfMatters  conference?
What makes you a good candidate for a diversity and inclusion scholarship?
What is the minimum scholarship % you need to be able to attend the conference?
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We ask that all scholarship recipients only sign up for the limited seat workshop only if they are 100% sure they can attend all three days. If you can only attend the conference, please only register only for the full conference. Please only register for the hackathon if you are sure you can attend the hackathon. Is only registering for the parts of the conference you are positive you can attend something you can commit to?
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Do you have the time to attend?
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Where do you live? Where will you be traveling from? (City, Country, Airport code)
Do you have transportation and accommodations?
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If you answered no or other, how can we help you make this happen?
Where are you based? Where will you be traveling from?
Anyone we should reach out to to invite them to apply to attend?
What is your current status?
Anything else you would like us to know?
How did you find out about this scholarship?
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