Partner Interconnect - Location/Service add/remove Request
This form is used to request adding new locations or service (L2 or L3) to be update on Google Public webpage.

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Email *
What is your business name currently listed on the Supported service providers webpage? *
Provide the requestor's name *
Provide the requestor's contact email address *
List LOAs for the New Interconnects *
List name of new locations (metros) you are adding *
List names of colo facility you will be using (i.e. hkg-zone2-1118 and hkg-zone1-225) *
List Type (L2 or L3) of new service you are offering. *
What web address should we publish (i.e. *
Desired date to be published *
Salinan jawaban Anda akan dikirimkan melalui email ke alamat yang Anda berikan.
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