DSA National Legal Defense Fund
Please Consider signing on to the National Legal Defense Creation resolution. Key ideas:

• Creates legal defense fund for bail for members and approved allies engaged in NVDA and civil disobedience-
•Giving out funds is not an endorsement of actions taken
•Voluntarily funded
•Cost effective
•Fundraising and disbursement mechanisms are accessible

Full text:

Co-authors: Joe Fletcher and Patrick Kolehouse

Be it here resolved that the National Political Committee will create a National Legal Defense Fund which will provide emergency bail money for members who engage in nonviolent direct action and civil disobedience.

Be it further resolved that the National Political Committee will create a process for DSA members to request funds and allow local chapters to request funds for allied communities approved by the chapter.

Be it further resolved that disbursement of bail funds does not constitute as an endorsement for any action that an individual makes who has been granted legal funding assistance by the DSA. This applies to all levels of the organization.

Be it finally resolved that the Legal Defense Fund be funded by voluntary contributions from individuals, chapters, and outside entities. Relevant fundraising mechanisms will be made easily available to the public and membership.

Whereas, the DSA must be committed to protecting our members and allies from the carceral state; and

Whereas, campaign escalation tactics such as nonviolent direct action and civil disobedience are historically validated tactics;and

Whereas, DSA members and approved allies ought to be provided with resources that enable them to escalate their issue campaigns in order to create change in their communities beyond electing representatives; and

Whereas, bail is ultimately returned to the surety as long as the conditions of the bond are met, making the fund a cost effective program.

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