Genuine Wallowa County Vendor Application
Are you a Wallowa County artisan who is interested in increasing your sales via the Genuine Wallowa County (GWC) e-commerce website? 

Genuine Wallowa County LLC supports artists, and other "makers" in the Pacific/Inland Northwest or Nez Perce in any location (GWC is located in the ancestral homeland of the Joseph Band of Nez Perce, or Nimiipuu)

Please fill out this form, so I have your contact info all in one place. You will indicate if you are interested in being represented on the GWC gift site, the Inland Northwest Gallery, or both!

For Inland Northwest Gallery applicants: Once you complete the top part of this form I will send a list of terms for your review.

Submitting this form does not constitute a contract or purchase agreement with Genuine Wallowa County LLC.

If you have any questions, or would rather have an email or paper version of this application, please send me an email at or 541-886-0790. This form can be overwhelming or confusing, please don't hesitate to just send me an email instead. I am happy to connect that way as well. 

**Don't forget to press the SUBMIT button when you are finished!** If I haven't followed up within a week, please send an email to check in.

Thank you,
Rayanna Mitchell, Owner

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Email *
Name *
First and last name
Where do you live? (And/or, indicate that you are Nez Perce.) *
I am interested in selling via (you may choose more than one):
Business Name (if applicable)
Website (if applicable)
Facebook and Instagram handle (if applicable)
Phone number *
I agree to read periodic emailed Vendor Updates. *
General Product Questions
Please answer the following questions about your products.

How would you get product to GWC's Owner? Check all that apply *
Product will be paid for upon pickup with a provided invoice. If an invoice is not provided at pickup, it will be paid within 30 days of when an invoice is received. Is this acceptable ? *
Proposed Product/s for Gift Boxes or Provisions (not Inland Northwest Gallery)
Please answer the following questions about each product you would like GWC to consider, and email a photo to You may email a list instead of filling out the rest of the form if you'd rather.

When describing a product, I suggest including one or more of the following:
*Material/s used
*Source of materials used
*Technique/s used
*Intended use
*Your unique approach/history/reason for making the item

NOTE ABOUT WHOLESALE PRICE: List a wholesale price that makes sense for you. You can have a conversation with Rayanna about that if it's helpful. Please enter one price for each product, not a range.

Food/Beverage producers must provide a copy of their ODA license, if applicable.

Product 1 Name and Description
Product 1 Suggested Retail Price (if you have one)
Product 1 Wholesale Price that you would charge GWC
Product 1: How many units of this product do you tend to have in inventory?
Product 1: If GWC ordered 50 units, how long would it take you to provide them? (Don't have a heart attack! This is just a question to gauge your capacity. It's okay of you can't make 50 of something.)
Product 1 Notes
Product 2 Name and Description
Product 2 Suggested Retail Price (if you have one)
Product 2 Wholesale Price that you would charge GWC
Product 2: How many units of this product do you tend to have in inventory?
Product 2: If GWC ordered 50 units, how long would it take you to provide them?
Product 2 Notes
Product 3 Name and Description
Product 3 Suggested Retail Price (if you have one)
Product 3 Wholesale Price that you would charge GWC
Product 3: How many units of this product do you tend to have in inventory?
Product 3: If GWC ordered 50 units, how long would it take you to provide them?
Product 3 Notes
Product 4 Name and Description
Product 4 Suggested Retail Price (if you have one)
Product 4 Wholesale Price that you would charge GWC
Product 4: How many units of this product do you tend to have in inventory?
Product 4: If GWC ordered 50 units, how long would it take you to provide them?
Product 4 Notes
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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