3D Printing Quiz - FDM
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What file type should you load into Cura? *
1 point
What software do we use to prepare our files to print? *
1 point
How many layers of a print do I need to watch? *
1 point
Generally, when is support material necessary in a 3D print? *
1 point
What type of adhesion do you almost always want to select for your print? *
1 point
What should you place on the 3D print's build platform? *
1 point
What should you do if you want or need to change the filament in the 3D printer? *
1 point
What should you do before submitting a print? *
1 point
In order to start a print I must have an intern review the print file in Cura and then physically start the print on the printer. *
1 point
Once I pass this quiz, I am now able to *
1 point
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