The Hormone Balance Solution Application Form
Thanks so much for applying to work with us. We are excited to hopefully work with you inside The Hormone Balance Solution soon.

The only way Tara and her team works with women is in a committed working relationship. This means, we're committed to you and we will do everything in our power to help you overcome your current health struggles.

Likewise, you have to be committed to the process and what needs to be done in order for us to give it our best shot at getting you your desired outcome. We do not heal you - YOU ultimately heal you. We can guide you, advise you, support you, but at the end of the day there is no magic wand and you will always be your own and best healer, with the help of professional advice.

Please be ready financially and emotionally to invest in your health. There are no quick fixes and there is a financial investment involved to see the results you wish to.

We're excited you've made it to this application form and hopefully we'll get the chance to work together soon!

Tara & her team xo
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Email *
What is your name? 
What is your Instagram handle if you have one? (We may reach out to you here if we don't hear back from you on email. Sometimes emails go to junk/spam - so keep an eye out!).
What is your age?
Which country do you live in? 
Please answer the following questions and Tara will review your responses & be in touch personally if she thinks you're a good fit for the program. Please ONLY apply if you are very serious about joining the program, 
Are you currently in menopause? This means you haven't had a period in 12 months or longer. *
Are you currently pregnant or breastfeeding? *
What are your major health complaints right now that you'd like help with inside The Hormone Balance Solution? *
What are your health symptoms costing you in your life right now? What can you not do? Who can you not be?  *
Do you have any medical diagnosis? If so, what? *
Are you currently on any medications? If so, which ones? *
What have you previously tried in order to get on top of your health symptoms? (Diet? Lifestyle changes? Doctors? NDs? Supplements?). Please explain. *
What do you think is stopping you from achieving your health goals? *
Do you follow a vegan or vegetarian diet? If yes, are you willing to add in some animal protein? *
What is your commitment level when it comes to making changes for your health, on a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being absolutely committed and ready to do whatever it takes? *
Absolutely Committed and Ready!
Please tell us more about your mindset when it comes to healing. Do you have a tendency to play the victim? Blame others? Expect someone else to "fix" you or make you happy? Are you hopeful? Committed? Patient & ready to take 100% responsibility for your healing? Where would you fall on the scale of mindset do you think, (be honest - there's no judgement).  *
Do you believe you are "coachable" & able to receive constructive criticism or "tough love" well?  *
How much do you think you've *already* spent previously on trying to find answers to your health symptoms? *
Are you ready to make the financial commitment required to join The HBS? Your health is your biggest asset and so it stands to reason that a financial investment is required. The HBS is about $3497 USD at the moment, (down from $4,497) but my pricing is subject to change. Payment plans are available for the right person.  *
Have you ever done any functional testing before? If so, what?  *
How did you hear about me?
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If you don't hear back from us within 24 hours, please email & check your JUNK and SPAM folders please.  *
Thank you
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