Waitlist - Tackling Historical Women’s Writing: Research Practices and Communication
The workshop has been fully booked.

To register for the waitlist, please fill out the following form. Should a place become available, we will contact you via e-mail.

A workshop day centred around women writers, gender history and public outreach will take place the day preceding the conference. The workshop is geared towards PhD students, both those attending the conference and students in other Flemish and Dutch universities. In this workshop, we hope to foster a community of early career researchers with an interest in historical women’s writing and we aim to offer a platform to think collectively about how gender and diversity inform our research practices. In a similar innovative spirit as the two-day conference following the workshop, we are strongly committed to interrogating and advancing the position of feminist literary scholarship–and specifically work focused on female authors–in the wider field of literary studies.

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E-mail *
Institutional Affiliation
Are you a PhD candidate, RMA student or ECR? (ECRs and RMA are welcome but preference will be given to PhD candidates if interest exceeds available places) *
How will this workshop be beneficial to your research? (5 lines max.) *
Are you working on Anglophone women’s writing (1550-1800) *
Will you be presenting at the Form/Feeling conference? *
Are you a member of Huizinga Research School? *
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