Conqueror Transformation Client Application
Are you ready to become who God made you to be?  Are you ready to "kill the inner-coward," that has been holding you back? And start to embrace the CONQUEROR Jesus Christ died for you to be?

 Below is my before and after picture.  As a Christian man I was fat, depressed, discouraged, and straight up DEFEATED!  Do you think that is how a Christian man should be experiencing life?  Absolutely not!  Jesus said that he came that we may have LIFE and LIFE ABUNDANTLY

 I wasn't taking care of my temple, I was overeating, overindulging, I was angry at myself, so I would take it out on my family.  My marriage was a mess, the relationships with my sons were hurting because I wasn't giving them a good example of what a dad should look like.  Honestly,  I had no vision for my life.  I was just going through the "motions."

Sound familiar?  Then it happened.  I made the decision, the same one you're about to make.  No longer would I be a coward.  No longer would I make the excuses, no longer would I compromise, no longer would I "run and hide."  I decided to "kill the coward" and embrace the Conqueror!  

Then, everything changed.  I started putting into practice the words of the Bible, Jesus' words, and it changed every area of my life! My FAITH, FAMILY, FITNESS, FINANCES, & FRIENDSHIPS! I love my life now, this is only the beginning!  It can be yours as well.
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The Conqueror Transformation Experience (3 minute Video)  Watch First!
Go from Spiritually & Physically FAT to FIT with the Conqueror Transformation Experience!
Name:  *
Email Address: *
Phone Number:  *
Age: *
LOCATION (City & State) *
Time Zone *
How would you describe your current exercise routine? *
What are your main fitness and lifestyle goals? (Check all that apply) *
What has been preventing you from reaching your health and fitness goals?  *
I am experiencing the following emotions. (Please check all that apply) *
Are you ready to invest time, effort, and financial resources into yourself and your health to start conquering in your FAITH, FAMILY, FITNESS, FINANCES, and FRIENDSHIPS? *
On a scale of 1-10, with 10 being "I'll stop at nothing" to reach my physical and spiritual goals! *
If you are accepted as a client into the Conqueror Transformation Experience, how soon can you start? *
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