Scholarship Application for NVC for All - A Nonviolent Communication Foundations Course
Please complete this form if you are applying for a scholarship for the NVC for All - A Nonviolent Communication Foundations Course. A few seats in each course are reserved for those who need more assistance to attend the course beyond the sliding scale tuition range offered at registration. We will review applications and notify folks of their acceptance into the course on a rolling basis.

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Your full name *
Your email address *
Your cell phone number (in case we have difficulty reaching you by email)
Understanding my support priorities
I (Roxy) prioritize offering scholarships to those folks who have not received scholarships from me in the past and who are from the following communities:

People who, though in the Global Majority, are under-represented in positions of institutional power because of racialized discrimination and its direct and indirect impacts

People with disabilities or non-dominant communication styles

People who live and love outside the dominant norms of cis-gendered, binary, straight, monogamous relationships to sexuality and gender

People whose access to money and resources are restricted through intergenerational poverty and/or trauma

People without U.S. citizenship status, who are directly affected by U.S. foreign and domestic policy, including the many indigenous peoples of these lands
(Language crafted by the BayNVC All Voices Fund)
Please share if there is anything about your identity that aligns with the community descriptors listed above. *
Please share your intentions in learning and sharing this coursework and how it might benefit the communities to which you belong. *
About money
  • We try to relate with money in line with our values of considering everyone’s needs. Receiving financial contributions is a strategy for meeting our needs for  sustainability, as well as for contribution, appreciation, mutuality, care and choice about how we spend our time. 
  • We also want to meet the needs of the people who want to learn with us – needs for sustainability, joy, contribution, choice, and care, to mention a  few. In thinking about how much money to request, we try to create a sliding scale that is likely to accommodate most people, as well as having a commitment to include as many  people as we possibly can regardless of financial means.  
  • In order for this approach to meet our sustainability needs, however, we assume that most people will contribute above the minimum we request; contributions at the middle range of  the sliding scale are set to cover our anticipated program costs. At the same time, we  request that each person give no more than what they would enjoy giving. This last request  greatly contributes to meeting our need for pleasure in receiving your gift.  
  • If the contributions requested are beyond your means and you believe this course will benefit you and the communities you are involved in, we hope you will apply and not let financial considerations deter you. We will do our best to include you in the  program.
Tuition for the NVC for All - Foundations course is offered on a sliding scale from $600-$200. What amount would be sustainable for you to contribute toward tuition costs? *
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