APECS Belgium BRINGS POLAR SCIENCE to your school!
Do you want your students to learn a little more about science in the polar regions ? Our passionate members have prepared half a day of activities for primary school levels and 5/6th year of secondary school to educate and raise awareness about these fragile environments - and they are ready to come to your school!
More info on web page!

If you are interested in this project, please sign up your school by completing this form, telling us what level, language, day you're interest in! Four schools will be randomly chosen and the winners will be contacted early April!
Not selected this time? Don't worry, we're aiming to do this every year!

*Our Dutch speaking members are not currently available, so only French or English speaking schools will be selected this season. However, we remain open for any collaboration and encourage Dutch speaking schools to contact us via our email address apecsbelgium@gmail.com in case they have specific suggestions.
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Which language would you like us to use in the classroom? *
For which school level? *
Which date / timing? (our activities last ~ 2hrs total) *
Please select all that apply
early July
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