商店取貨注册表格|Store Pick-up Request
我們很樂意幫助您滿足任何商店或藥房取货的需求! 如果您的家人和朋友有这样的需要, 欢迎联系我們。




如果您有任何疑問或疑問,請與 Jenny (469-288-0360) 或 Nysha (331-250-5359) 聯繫。

We'd love to help you with any store or pharmacy pick-up needs! Please feel free to make a request for any families and friends as needed.

To ensure we keep everyone safe, we will be adhering to the following sanitation guidelines.

Sanitation Guidelines:

1. Before delivery, we will wash our hands thoroughly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
2. We will clean the outside of packages with disinfecting wipes.
3. We will wear gloves that will be replaced after each pickup.
4. We will be doing no-contact deliveries and leaving items at the door or mailbox.
5. We will wear masks.

If you have any concerns or questions, please reach out to Jenny (469-288-0360) or Nysha (331-250-5359).
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名字|First Name
姓|Last Name *
電話號碼|Phone Number *
地址|Address *
我們應該在哪些天送您的雜貨和物品呢?|On which day(s) would you prefer for us to deliver your items? *
我們大概幾點來送東西才好呢?|Around what time would you prefer for us to deliver your items? *
您都需要我們幫您買一些什麼?|What items would you like for us to pick up for you? *
對於藥品,請提供藥房地址和您的出生日期。|For medication, please provide the pharmacy address and your date of birth.
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