Westwood Welcome Club back-to-school event at Hale
The Hanlon and Thurston Welcome Clubs invite you to a back-to-school event at Hale Education on Sunday, September 18 (new date!), from 4-6p. Hale is located at 80 Carby Street in Westwood, MA.

The event will be a chance to meet and get to know other Boston and Westwood Welcome Club families, and play some fun games and activities led by Hale staff. Water and popsicles will be provided. We will not have access to the pond for swimming.

Please RSVP by filling out this form. Thank you!
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What is your (parent/guardian) name? *
What is your (parent/guardian) email address? *
Will your family be able to attend the back-to-school event at Hale? *
How many adults will attend from your family? *
How many Hanlon students will attend from your family? *
How many Thurston students will attend from your family? *
How many other kids will attend from your family? *
In what town do you reside? *
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