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📢CURRENT STATUS: Qiwio spent almost all their money from the AppSumo deal developing version 2 of their app and have decided to exclude AppSumo customers from the updates. Version 1 is no longer for sale, has received less than 25% of the updates, and will not include any of the new features from the Starter or Pro plans, the plans that were promised in the AppSumo campaign.
I've had a thorough DM exchange with Amin, the founder, and he has made it very clear he is not going to reverse his decision. I told him we would rally to support him if it was a money/revenue issue. He said they are not struggle with revenue, but he considers version 2.0 a "new product", not an update and therefore has decided it's not included. The features from Version 2.0 were mentioned more 5 times in Q&A answers on AppSumo and every time, we were made to believe we would receive the updates.

I will be distributing all the screenshots, the links for reviews, and the recommended wording for our posts and reviews.

In my opinion, if he actually honors lifetime deal holders, we can help him find ways to grow. We want to show future founders that cutting us off is not the answer. But, until then, we continue forward with the plan.

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