PSDS Afternoon Tea - 5th October 2024
Join us for a special get together celebrating PSDS and the friendships we have all made as members of the charity.

3pm Saturday 5th October at the Reigate Manor Hotel, Reigate Hill, Reigate RH2 9PF.

£26 per head (includes £5 donation to PSDS)

Please note, Prosecco is not included in the price but can be purchased at the event for a special PSDS rate of £5 per glass. Please ensure you are only charged this special rate.

Please complete the following information to make your booking.  Please book ASAP to secure your place as numbers are limited for this event. We need to confirm numbers and dietary requirements with the hotel by 16th September.

You will receive a confirmation email from Rachael who is organising this lovely event on behalf of PSDS.
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Your Name *
Your email address
(for PSDS use only, not passed to the hotel)
How many tickets would you like to purchase? 
(£26 per person)
If you are booking more than one ticket, please list additional guest names (you will then be seated together). 

IMPORTANT: Please list any special dietary requirements or allergy information for yourself or your guests so we can inform the hotel.

Please make payment (£26 per ticket) to the following account:

Account name: parents supporting down syndrome

Sort code: 09-06-66

Account number: 42751813

Please put your SURNAME+TEA as the reference.
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