Ocooch Mountain Humane Society, Inc
 Ocooch Mountain Humane Society, Inc. is a non-profit, tax-exempt organization dedicated to providing shelter and care to stray, unwanted, or abandoned animals in the Richland County area. Founded on the principle of compassionate care, the organization is committed to assisting the community by helping place animals in healthy, humane surroundings while providing education and information about responsible animal care for all members of the community. Your membership support is very important.

Individual…………… $15.00 per year OR (a 4 year individual membership for $50.00)
Family……………….. $30.00 per year OR (a 4 year family membership for $110.00)
Senior……………….. $10.00 per year (65 years old and older)
Student ………………… $10.00 per year (elementary through college sophomore)
Supporting business……. $80.00 per year OR (A two year Business membership for $150.00)
Lifetime membership……. $500
Pet membership... $5 for each pet you choose to honor with a membership.

Membership is subject to approval of the Board of Directors, Ocooch Mountain Humane Society, Inc.

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Name(s) *
Address *
City/State/Zip Code *
Phone Number *
Email *
Membership level chosen to support *
Are you interested in the following volunteer opportunities? *
Please mail a check with your support level to the following address:                                                                                  
Ocooch Mountain Humane Society, Inc.
P.O. Box 229,                                        
Richland Center WI 53581
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