CAMS Unit 6: New Attitudes, New Filmmakers
In your pairs, answer each question using your study guide and notes.

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End of the PCA: Which of the following best describes the typical Hollywood production budget and film length during the 1950s and 1960s? *
1 point
End of PCA: What Supreme Court decision placed films under protection from the 1st Amendment? *
1 point
End of PCA: How did the film The Man with the Golden Arm help bring about the end of the Hay’s Code? *
1 point
End of PCA: Identify the ways in which foreign films assisted the decline of the Hay’s Code during the 50s and early 60s. Select all that apply. *
1 point
End of PCA: Identify the three REAL events that helped increase the level of violence shown in media (because they were caught on film). *
1 point
End of PCA: Which of the following was NOT originally a rating given by the MPAA? *
1 point
New American Cinema: Which of the following describes the movie-going audience of the late 1960s? *
1 point
New American Cinema: How would you describe the size of Hollywood studio budgets in the early 1960s? *
1 point
New American Cinema: Which of the following are impacts of the French New Wave on Hollywood in the 1960s? Select all that apply. *
1 point
New American Cinema: In the 1960s, younger audiences were more permissive of sex and violence in movies. *
1 point
Bonnie and Clyde: Who directed the 1967 film Bonnie and Clyde? *
1 point
Bonnie and Clyde: What was the initial critical reaction to Bonnie and Clyde? *
1 point
Bonnie and Clyde: What stylistic elements did Bonnie and Clyde borrow from the French New Wave? Select all that apply. *
1 point
Bonnie and Clyde: What other film besides Bonnie and Clyde that pushed the depictions of violence to new extremes in the 1960s? *
1 point
Bonnie and Clyde: The Barrow gang is loved by the poor farmers because they stick it to the banks! Bonnie and Clyde are examples of... *
1 point
Bonnie and Clyde: Which of the following is true about Bonnie and Clyde's audience reception? *
1 point
Hollywood into the 1970s: What true event was going on which served as a rallying point for young people disliking the political establishment in the late 1960s and 1970s? *
1 point
Hollywood into the 1970s: What movie was a landmark film for the depiction of sex in 1967? *
1 point
Hollywood into the 1970s: After the youth movies of the late 1960s fell out of fashion, what happened? *
1 point
Hollywood into the 1970s: Identify the stylistic or ideological elements from New American Cinema that carried over into the 1970s. Select all that apply. *
1 point
New Hollywood/Dog Day Afternoon: Dog Day Afternoon embodies a lot of the characteristics of Hollywood filmmaking into the 1970s. Which of the follow is not one of those characteristics? *
1 point
New Hollywood/Dog Day Afternoon: What is Sonny's Unconscious Object of Desire? *
1 point
New Hollywood/Dog Day Afternoon: What is the only studio NOT to be bought by another company by 1982? *
1 point
New Hollywood/Dog Day Afternoon: Conglomerates tend to treat movies like... *
1 point
New Hollywood/Dog Day Afternoon: When a movie is so hyped that everyone knows it is coming out, the movie is said to have achieved... *
1 point
New Hollywood/Dog Day Afternoon: Which of the following were elements of the release of Jaws that ensured that it made a lot of money. Select all that apply. *
1 point
New Hollywood/Dog Day Afternoon: What is Front Loading? *
1 point
New Hollywood/Dog Day Afternoon: True or False: Many critics believe film creativity decreased over the course of the 1970s and 1980s due to the appeal of Tentpole/Blockbuster movie making. *
1 point
Video, MTV, and DTRT: Outside of Tentpole films, identify one genre that became popular during the late 1970s and 1980s. *
1 point
Video, MTV, and DTRT: The rise of Cable TV and video lead to an increased demand for... *
1 point
Video, MTV, and DTRT: What elements do we associate with the music video aesthetic? Select all that apply. *
1 point
Video, MTV, and DTRT: Which of the following best descsribes how Sal's racism plays out in Do the Right Thing? *
1 point
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