Social Media Content On-boarding Form

Hi there!

This on-boarding survey is designed to gather insights into your business, client base, and messaging.

By taking the time to share these valuable details with us, you enable our team to craft customized content that aligns with your brand and business messaging.

Your provided information will help us establish a solid foundation for a successful long-term relationship and to deliver personalized and effective solutions from the very beginning.

This form will take about 10-15 minutes to complete 

If there are any questions that don't apply to your business, you can leave that question blank or write "n/a"

Let's get you started!
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Company name
Business location(s)
Please list the areas where you have physical location(s) for your business.
  • If your business is online only or service area business, leave this blank
Company phone number
Please list the business phone number to be provided in social media posts
Social media accounts
Please check all of the platforms that need social media posts published to.
  • You will need to have a business account for each selected platform
  • We will prompt for the log-in and password information separately
How often do you currently post on social media?
Do you currently utilize online ads?
Please select any platform you run ad campaigns on
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