2023 JACL National Convention: Workshop Proposal Form
JACL's National Convention will be held in Little Tokyo, CA at the DoubleTree Hilton Los Angeles Downtown from Wednesday, July 19 to Sunday, July 23 2023. This year, the convention theme is "Rooted in Community." 

With the COVID-19 pandemic and the rise of Anti-Asian hate, Asian enclaves have struggled to stay alive and need the support of their communities now more than ever. For JACL's 53rd National Convention we intentionally selected Little Tokyo for the location as it one of the three remaining official Japantowns in the US and is home to the largest population of Japanese Americans in North America.
Proposals are due by Monday, April 10th. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis 
This year's workshops will be spread across two days with each dedicated to a specific theme:

Friday Workshops: Envisioning JACL for the Future
Workshops on this day should focus on the current work that JACL is doing, educating and skill-building for chapters and members, and/or discussing how JACL can prepare itself for the future

Saturday Workshops: Rooted in Community
Workshops on this day should focus on the work individuals and organizations are doing to preserve and celebrate the Japanese American, the larger Asian American & Pacific Islander community, and allied communities. 

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