Apply to Judge at MIST NY 2024!
Asalamu alaikum wa rahmutallah, Peace and blessings be upon you!

MIST NY aims to bring high school students together through our regional tournament to develop leadership, promote camaraderie, and inspire creativity while gaining a deeper understanding of Islam and Muslims.

This year's tournament will be held in-person inshaaAllah! Competitions will be held from April 26-28th at Stuyvesant High School. If you're interested in judging at this year's MIST tournament, please fill out the form below!

*Judges MUST be at least 21 years old. Those who do not meet this requirement are ineligible to judge.*

If you would like to sign up as a volunteer, please fill out our Volunteers form. 

If you have any questions regarding judging, send us an email at!

For more info:

Thank you for your interest in MIST!
- MIST NY Competitions Team
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Name (First & Last) *
Are you a former MIST competitor? *
If yes, what year did you graduate high school?
Have you judged for MIST before? *
If yes, which competition(s) did you judge?
Gender *
Birthdate *
Email *
This will be used to contact you with further details, please enter an e-mail you check frequently.
Phone Number *
Highest Level of Education Attained *
Major(s) *
Whether you're still in school, or have long graduated...
Occupation *
If you are currently a student, type "Student"
Number of years in your field *
I will have access to a laptop or tablet on MIST weekend to complete electronic ballots and/or virtual interviews *
Judging Preferences
Please select which competitions you would like to judge for MIST 2024.
Would you like to judge a competition in the ARTS category?
Click on your FIRST choice. 
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Do you have a second choice in the ARTS category?
If your first choice already has all the needed judges, we will refer to your next choice. 
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Would you like to judge a competition in the KNOWLEDGE AND QUR'AN category?
If you'd like to know this year's Knowledge Test books, check out:
Click on your FIRST choice. 
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Do you have a second choice in the KNOWLEDGE AND QUR'AN category?
If your first choice already has all the needed judges, we will refer to your next choice. 
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Would you like to judge a competition in the WRITING AND ORATORY category?
Click on your FIRST choice. 
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Do you have a second choice in the WRITING AND ORATORY category?
If your first choice already has all the needed judges, we will refer to your next choice. 
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Would you like to judge a competition in the BRACKETS category?
If you'd like to know this year's Debate and MIST Bowl topics, check out:
Click on your FIRST choice. 
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Do you have a second choice in the BRACKETS category? 
If your first choice already has all the needed judges, we will refer to your next choice. 
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Would you like to judge a competition in the GROUP PROJECTS category?
Click on your FIRST choice. 
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Do you have a second choice in the GROUP PROJECTS category?
If your first choice already has all the needed judges, we will refer to your next choice. 
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What kind of background or experience do you have related to these competition(s)? *
Please be specific about experience related to each of the competitions you selected
Please tell us why you would like to be a MIST judge and how you heard about the opportunity *
MIST NY 2024 Judge Agreement
Please read the following and check whether you agree or disagree to the terms.
I value my time and especially the time of others. I agree to be on time or early for everything I commit to. I value my word. If I say I will do something, I will do it to the best of my abilities and in a timely fashion. If I realize, for whatever reason, that I am unable to fulfill my commitments with the quality required of them, I will immediately and without delay relay this information on to those that my work affects so that we may work together on finding a solution. I agree that communication is key. I will do my best to stay in contact with the volunteer staff of MIST by checking my email and reading all correspondences sent via the volunteer e-mailing list and returning all forms of communication from other volunteers promptly (e.g. emails, calls, texts, etc.). I agree to always lead by example. In doing so, I will make sure to exemplify all MIST rules and regulations, including the dress code AND the current MIST theme (The Treasure of Fellowship: From Fragrance to Fortress). I understand that everybody has their faults. I will try my best to practice wisdom, patience, and forgiveness. I have no prior criminal history. I am not and will not be engaged in any illegal activities. *
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