CITY DOGS Cleveland Meet & Greet Request
Thank you so much for your interest in adopting a CITY DOG! Please be sure to read the following information before completing the form below. Scheduling an appointment for your meet is highly recommended so we can ensure an adoption counselor is ready to meet you! 

To view all currently adoptable dogs, visit:  
Before your meet, we recommend reading this useful document: What to Know Before Adopting a CITY DOG

The kennel is located at 9203 Detroit Ave, Cleveland OH, 44102. The timeframes for meet appointments are: Tuesday 12-6pm, Wednesday 12-3pm, Thursday 12-6pm, Friday 12-3pm, Saturday 10am-3pm and Sunday 10am-3pm. Sometimes exceptions can be made to accommodate different schedules - we will try to work with you!

If you think one or more of our dogs might be a good fit for your family, the next step is to complete the form below. This helps us get to know a little bit about your household and what you're looking for in a new dog. Be sure to COMPLETELY fill out this form with information on the person/family actually planning to adopt. Please note, you must be at least 18 years old to adopt a dog. Once you respond to our questions, one of our adoption counselors will be contacting you to discuss details and next steps. Make sure you enter the correct email, as that is how we will be reaching out!

It is our goal, first and foremost, to make a match that is a good fit for both the dog and the new family! Most of our dogs are found as strays in the City of Cleveland, so we rarely know their backgrounds, and cannot guarantee behavior one way or the other once in a home. However, we rely on observations from volunteers and staff who have interacted with the dogs to do our best to make successful matches! The more details you can provide in your application below, the better, as this will help our adoption counselors prepare to make the best possible matches.

We ask that all members of the family, including resident dogs, be present for the meet and greet. You may come all at once, or over multiple visits. This is an important part of making sure that the dog will be a good fit.  Adopting a dog is incredibly rewarding, but it is also a financial, emotional, and time commitment! Please make sure everyone in the household has discussed the decision to adopt a dog and is onboard with the responsibility. You are welcome to meet multiple dogs during your meet and greet to find the right match. Please be prepared to take your new dog home within a few days - we cannot hold dogs for an extended period due to lack of kennel space.

***Be sure to keep an eye on your email inbox, and CHECK YOUR SPAM/JUNK FOLDER as well. Feel free to email or call 216-664-3476 if you have any questions. Remember, many questions may be answered in the "What to Know Before Adopting a City Dog" document linked above. If you have to cancel your appointment, please let us know as soon as possible.


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Email *
What is your full name? *
Which dogs are you interested in meeting? You are welcome to indicate that you are open to suggestions, and our adoption counselors will work with you to find a great match! Providing as much detail as possible about your household and what you're looking for in this application will help our adoption counselors to prepare. All adoptable dogs can be viewed at .  *
What date and time would you like to meet a CITY DOG? Please provide a few options. We are open for meets 12pm-3pm on Wednesday and Friday; 10am-3pm on Saturday and Sunday; and 12pm-6pm on Tuesday and Thursday. Please include a range of options when possible! *
What is your phone number? *
What is your full address? (Please include street address, city and state.) *
How many adults live in your home, including yourself? Who are they? *
How many children under 18 live in your home? What are their ages? *
Do you rent or own your home? *
If you rent, do you have any breed or size restrictions on the type of dog you can have? (Please be prepared to provide proof if needed.)
Do you have a fenced yard? If so, please describe it. If not, do you have a plan for exercising your dog? (Note: it is not a requirement to have a fenced yard to adopt a dog.)  *
Do you have other pets in the home, specifically dogs or cats? Tell us a little about them (names, age, gender and if they are fixed, a bit about their personalities, etc.) *
Have you ever owned a dog before? If so, please describe your experience with them.
What are you looking for in a new dog companion? Are there specific traits or needs you are or are not comfortable with?
Is there anything else you'd like us to know? Do you have any questions for us at this time?
How did you hear about CITY DOGS? What made you reach out about the specific dog(s) mentioned? This information will help us improve our marketing!
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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