Echo/OYG Prayer Request Form
To strengthen our culture of prayer in our congregation and increase our sense of dependence upon the Lord, we would like to pray more specifically for our congregation during our Wednesday night prayer gatherings. So please put down as many prayer requests as you'd like.

Please use discretion if sharing prayer requests involving other people—we do not want to make this a forum for gossip!

You do not have to put down your name or even the name of the person you want prayer for (e.g. a friend, a young mother), nor do you have to attend the prayer gathering in order to submit a prayer request. However, any names that are mentioned will be verified before being shared in the prayer meeting.

Here are some ideas on what to share:

A. Praises and Thanksgivings—how you've seen God work

B. Prayer Requests—for example:

  1. Challenges that you are going through
  2. Family and relationships
  3. Work, school
  4. Unsaved friends or family members
  5. Ministries that you're involved in
  6. Anything that is on your heart

Let's look for God to act!!
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Praises and Thanksgiving/Answered Prayers:
Prayer Requests:
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