Community Native Planting Project Volunteering 
We Need You! CNPP is a 100% volunteer run organization based in Prince Georges County, Maryland and we could use your help!  We have a wide range of volunteering opportunities for a wide range of interests and skills.

If you are interested in volunteering, supporting, or learning more about CNPP, please let us know! Filling out this questionnaire does not commit you to anything, but helps us gauge interest and availability. 

Also, teens can get service hours volunteering with us!
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Email *
Full Address
Get Me Outside! I would like to volunteer for the following: (Please check all that apply) *
Many Hands! I would love to volunteer in other ways to help the mission! (Please check all that apply):  *
Please tell us more about how you can help!
Do you have a special expertise, skill set, training, or interest that you think could help further CNPP's mission? This could be anything!
Is there any volunteering option you are mulling over that you'd like more info about? If so, which one?
(Optional) I am or have a teen interested in service hours through CNPP.
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I would like to be added to CNPP's volunteer and supporters' email list. 

If you do want to volunteer, being added to our email list is the best way to find out what's going on. We try to keep all emails directly related to CNPP and there are rarely more than a few emails each week. 
I am interested in becoming a supporting CNPP member or renewing my membership!  

Annual membership is $30 and the benefits include: opportunities to buy native shrubs and trees at cost to CNPP*, first in line for CNPP giveaways, discounts on items we offer, and five free raffle tickets with the purchase of 10 for our Spring Raffle, and more! 

*We add a small fee/plant to help offset the delivery and service charges. 

We also accept donations of any amount starting at $5!

All donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by the law. 
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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