After a summer-long VBS learning together, discovering new things, and diving deeper into our faith, we want to wrap up activities with a fun Pool Party!

Who: All VBS families

What: Pool Party

When: July 21st from 12:30 pm to 2:30 pm

Where: Nottaway Pool (address: 3153 Hathaway Ct, Atlanta, GA 30341)

Cost: $3.00/person for non members. To pay online visit bit.ly/childrensministryeventpayment

Registration is open until July 18th! Payment is due NO LATER THAN July 18th to reserve your space. To pay online, visit bit.ly/childrensministryeventpayment

Questions? Contact Linda Jimenez Abrams at children@embryhillsumc.org.
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Are you a member of Nottaway Pool? *
List the names of people who will attend the pool party

 Parent/guardian name(s)
Any information about food allergies, medical conditions, and/or current medication (please make a note if they need help administering medication).
The cost is $3.00/ person for non-members of Nottaway Pool. Please be sure to pay this fee after you complete this form.   If you would like to make an online payment, please click on the link:   bit.ly/childrensministryeventpayment
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A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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