What do you want to see in your neighborhood?Project survey
What is your neighborhood missing? What problems need to be solved? How can things get better for you, big and small?

The Inquirer and Green Philly are working on a public information project to share tools that make your neighborhood better. We're looking for your feedback so we can find ways to help.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
What's your Zip code? *
Which of the following resources would help you? *
Please choose all applicable.
What issues in your neighborhood need help? *
You can list as many as you like.
What else would you like to tell us about your neighborhood?
Demographics (Optional)
*** For (research) purposes ***
What's your age?
How do you describe your gender?
How do you describe your race and/or ethnicity?
What's your annual household income?
Would it be OK if we contacted you to follow up?
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