YBAM Volunteer Application Form
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请输入完整的个人资料,并在确保资料无误之后,于此表格下方按 “提交”。
Please complete and submit this application form. Please write clearly and complete all applicable areas on the application.
姓名 *
Name *
身份证号码 Identity Card Number *
出生日期 Date of Birth *
性别 Gender *
婚姻状况 Marital Status *
面子书账号 Facebook name
联络号码 Contact Number 1 *
联络号码 Contact Number 2
联络住址 Correspondence Address *
职业 Occupation *
若您是学生,请填上“学生”即可。If you are student, please fill in as Student.
所在区域 Residential Region *
专长/兴趣 Expertise/Interests (可复选 Multiple selections is allowed )
电邮 E-mail *
联络您的方式 Your preferred method of contact
Clear selection
学佛资历 Years of practising Buddhism
是否参与任何佛教团体? Are you affiliated with any Buddhist Organisation? *
团体名字 Name of Organisation
I agree to provide all personal information requested in this google form in order to process my registration. I understand that the organiser will not transfer it to any person outside the Young Buddhist Association of Malaysia
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