1. Ocala STEAM Academy Online Registration - for new students to ARUSD
NEW REGISTRATIONS ONLY: This is the registration form for students FROM OUTSIDE of Alum Rock (a neighboring district or charter). If you already attended an Alum Rock school last year, see "Open Enrollment" or call the front office at 408-928-8350.
Complete this form digitally from the comfort of your own device (smartphone, tablet/iPad, or computer)!
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email address
Adding an email will allow us to send you a copy of your registration form.
Student Last Name *
Student First Name *
Middle Initial
Birthdate mm/dd/yy *
Gender *
Grade on Registration *
Address *
City *
Zip Code
(10) Home Phone *
Birthplace - City / State / Country *
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