Deep Listening Intensive II Application
Please fill out this brief application form to be considered for our next available Deep Listening Intensive II.

Deep Listening Intensive II focuses on Deep Listening pedagogy. In this three-month course, participants learn the principles and philosophy of pedagogy and facilitating the practices of Deep Listening, moving and dreaming. Prior to Intensive II, each participant is required to form a private study group (Deep Listening Study Circle) that they will work with for the three months, without charge. Participants should expect to be dedicating 6-8 hours weekly to the course, including class meetings, peer group meetings, and preparation, facilitation, and documentation of their own Deep Listening Study Groups. After successful completion of Deep Listening Intensive II, participants will be eligible for official recognition by the Center for Deep Listening through EAR-tification (Deep Listening Certification). This certification qualifies the holder to facilitate Deep Listening Workshops.

What is a Deep Listening Study Circle (DLSC)?
Each student will create their own DLSC, a private group that each student leads on their own. The groups can be tailored to your situation both in number of participants (3–12 in addition to yourself) as well as the location or context (e.g., at a community center; as a component of a university course; on Zoom, etc.). You will meet with your DLSC at least six times in total. Your sessions should be a minimum of 90 minutes and a maximum of 3 hours.

Tuition for Intensive I is $900 USD, with scholarships available for populations currently under-represented in Deep Listening, sound art, and wellness spaces.


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Email *
Name *
How has Deep Listening resonated in your life since taking Intensive I? (How have you remembered to remember to listen?) *
Why do you wish to engage the process of Deep Listening certification? *
In what way(s) can you imagine Deep Listening Certification benefitting you and your broader community? *
In Intensive II, each student brings together a Deep Listening Study Circle within which they will share and reflect on Deep Listening practices. Please give some thought to the persons, or community, within which you would like to facilitate a Deep Listening Study Circle, as a way of developing both your capacity as a facilitator, and the impact of Deep Listening in the world. Share that here. *
In order to increase accessibility to the Deep Listening Facilitator's Training program, the Center for Deep Listening offers a limited number of partial and full scholarships for Deep Listening Intensive II, earmarked for populations currently under-represented in Deep Listening, sound art, and wellness spaces.  

In keeping with our commitment to increasing equity and diversity within our communities, we specifically invite applications from Black, Brown, Indigenous, and trans folks, as well as disabled and neurodiverse individuals, and those who face systemic financial barriers.

Would you like to be considered for an Equity Scholarship to participate in Deep Listening Intensive II? *
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