Survey on online learning programmes.
Hi Friends!

I'm currently working on the finishing touches of my online learning programme, which is based on my book, 'The Stage Fright Antidote!:  How to overcome your presentation jitters'.

Moving forward, I hope to create more online courses that would help lifelong learners like yourself in their professional and personal growth.  In order to do that, I would need some inputs from you so that those courses I create will be relevant and useful.

Can I request 5-10 mins of your time to complete a (3-question) questionnaire?  The questionnaire is to be completed by Wed 6 May 2020.  Your inputs are very much appreciated!  Thank you in advance!

Yours truly,
Hazriq Idrus 
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Q1:  What is your top (or top 2) challenge(s) you are facing in your professional (or personal) capacity? *
Eg:  Not able to lead my team effectively; Feeling nervous when making presentations at work
Q2:  What would be a suitable skill/ course that you help you in your professional/ personal growth? *
Q3:  How would that skills/ course (mentioned in Q2) help you in your professional/ personal growth? *
I am ... *
I am a ... *
My profession:   *
The industry I am working/ studying in:
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