Champlain Discord, 2025 Admits: Confirm Your Admission
Welcome! Please fill out this form to join our official Discord server for students admitted to Champlain College for the Fall 2025 term in our undergraduate on-campus programs. Members can meet, get to know each other, and get their questions answered by Champlain College students.

Please note that we cannot add you to this group unless we can verify you are an admitted member of the incoming class. If you've requested access and haven't been approved within 48 hours, please email for assistance.
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Email *
What is your first and last name? Please provide your full legal name. *
Have you received official acceptance into an on-campus undergraduate Champlain College program? *
What city/state are you from? This helps us identify you in our system if there are others with the same name. *
Are you a transfer student? *
What is your Discord username? *
By joining this official Champlain College Discord server, you agree to follow all guidelines, terms of use, and parameters outlined by the server. As a Champlain College student, you also agree to follow and abide by all policies and protocols outlined in the College Catalogue and Standard of Conduct. Violations of College policies and protocols may be referred to the appropriate office to be addressed. *
In order to successfully join the Discord, you must click this link and then click "Accept Invite." Once we confirm your admission, we will grant you access to the entire server within 48 hours. *
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