First Morning Light Chinese Christian Church, 531 E Weddell Dr, Sunnyvale, CA 94089-2114
Hello parents! Please fill out one form per child. All Returing and New children will need to fill out this online registration form.
Email and phone numbers can be accessed by Directors and Small Group Leaders. All other personal information provided will be kept strictly confidential and access to such information will be limited to church staff. Please submit one form per child. Thank you.
Clubs: Cubbies (3 to 5 years old, TK), Sparks (K to 2nd grade), T&T (3rd to 6th grade)
Age: children who turn 3 years old by
9/1/24 to those entering 6th grade could register at Awana for 2024-25 Awana year
Participation Fee: $50.00 per child for one club year, personal check payable to "FMLC", memo with Child's name and Awana. Unifrom is included for new Clubbers and those who promote to another club ONLY.
First Club Meeting: August 17, 2024 @ 7:15-8:45 PM