Test Bank Request Form
Please fill out this form to request access to the test banks for Explorations: An Open Invitation to Biological Anthropology. If approved, you will receive access to both test banks: the first edition and second edition versions.

To protect the integrity of these test banks, we request verification information before we release them. Please use your institutional email. The text bank is only available to faculty and will not be distributed directly to students. 

If you have any trouble competing the form, you may contact the editorial committee at: explorationstextbook@gmail.com.

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Email *
Name (First, Last) *
Institution(s) Name(s) *
Institution(s) Type(s)
Course name and number in which you use the test bank (ie: Introduction to Biological Anthropology, ANTH 101) *
Please provide at least one web link we can use to identify you as a faculty member. This could be a link to your faculty profile, a listing of instructor of record, etc. If you are unable to provide this information, please explain why here and ask your supervisor (e.g. department or division chair) to send us an email to confirm you are (or soon will be) an instructor. *
Approximately how many students do you teach this semester (for which you will use questions from this test bank)?
Would you like to be added to our email list to receive updates on the project?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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