Relationship Alive - Getting to Know You!
please take a moment to fill out this ANONYMOUS survey.

The first questions are quick and easy, and then there are just a few questions where you can write as much (or as little) as you want.

And please know again that all of your answers are completely ANONYMOUS!!! :-)
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How old are you? *
With what gender do you identify? *
What is your relationship status? *
What is your ethnicity? *
What level of education have you completed? *
What is your approximate annual household income? (remember, this is anonymous) *
What is your single biggest relationship-related struggle?
In your opinion, what would make the Relationship Alive podcast even better?
Have you shared the Relationship Alive podcast with others? Why or why not?
Final question: which of the following offerings light you up? Please rate them on the following scale...
Not at all
This seems cool
I would LOVE this
A shorter podcast with bite-sized action items and relationship improvement tips
An awesome book that distills wisdom from the Relationship Alive podcast
Online courses for relationship skills building
Coming to see Relationship Alive - LIVE, in a theater setting
One-on-one coaching with Neil Sattin
Group coaching with Neil Sattin for singles
Group coaching with Neil Sattin for couples
A weekend retreat for couples
A weeklong vacation retreat for couples
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Anything else you'd like me to know? Thanks so much for your input!
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