Don't go Hungry Food Support Program                             Volunteer Information Form
The Don't go Hungry program was established to respond to not only the lack of food supports in the west end, but also to the need for a weekend program for community members who work in lower-paying jobs, struggle to meet their food needs, but can't access weekday food supports. When COVID hit the program became an emergency food hub as part of the City of New Westminster's COVID emergency response providing barrier-free access to emergency food hampers.

The program was developed with sustainability in mind. This includes engagement with the community to support its varying needs, access to recovered food (meats, dairy, product, baked goods) through Dan’s Legacy Refood and others, and a partnership with the Greater Vancouver Food Bank. The result has been a much more nutritional sound food hamper for community members in need.

The program operates in the Westend (St. Aidan's), Queensborough (Fire Hall) and Sapperton (Knox) neighbourhoods in New Westminster and the Edmonds (Gordon) neighborhood in Burnaby.

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