The Psychology of Swearing

Please read the following information carefully before volunteering to participate in this study.

What is the purpose of this study?
This study aims to collect information about swearing behaviour in an English speaking Indian population.

Who is conducting the study?
This study is being undertaken by Saloni Diwakar, Anjali Nambiar, and Simran Hora who are research authors at the Department of Psychology, Nolmë Labs, an academic research and science communication organization in India.

Participation and withdrawal
Your participation in this study is voluntary. You may withdraw at any time without penalty. If at any time when you are filling the questionnaire, you begin to feel uncomfortable, you may exit the study by closing the browser window.

Are there any risks or benefits associated with participating in the study?
This study depicts the use of swearwords in everyday speech. In case you find this uncomfortable, you may choose to terminate the session. There are no compensations associated with your participation in this study. However, your responses are greatly valued and will help us understand the use of swear words by English speaking Indians.

How can you protect your identity while responding?
Your participation will remain strictly confidential and your responses will not be associated with your identity when this paper is published. You may provide an alias instead of your name to protect your identity.

If you have any queries, comments or feedback regarding this study, please email us at Please state the subject line as Swearing Study_query
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How do I begin?
Begin by filling out some basic information about yourself. Instructions for each section will be provided. There are no right or wrong answers to any of the statements. Please be as truthful as possible. While this is not a timed study, we anticipate that the entire questionnaire will take about 15-20 minutes to complete.

**If using a smartphone, please orient your device to landscape mode to see all the options clearly**

By continuing, you are stating that you are over 18 years of age, and that you understand the above information and consent to participate in this study.
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