New Student Enrollment 2023-2024 (For Students in Grades 1st - 8th Beginning School in August 2023)
Welcome to Watauga County Schools.  Please complete the form below and the school will be in touch with you soon. Additional documents are required to enroll your student.  These include:  parent identification (copy of driver's license, for example), two proofs of residency, the student's birth certificate, the student's immunization records, and a student health form.  If there are custody papers, these should also be presented.  If your child has not attended a public school in North Carolina, the state requires a doctor's physical and a completed state health assessment form.  If you have any questions, please call 828 264-7190. Thank you for registering with Watauga County Schools!
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Email *
Student's Last Name ( and suffix, if applicable) *
Student's First Name *
Student's Middle Name *
Student's date of birth *
Gender *
If your student has attended school in North Carolina, please list his or her student number, if known.
Home phone number, or in the absence of a landline, best number to reach the family. *
It is assumed that your student will begin school on the first day of the next school year unless another date is listed below.
Race:  Check all that apply *
Ethnicity:  Choose one *
Grade in 2023-2024 *
Mailing Address including city, state, and zip code *
Street Address of Residence including city, state, and zip code *
Last school attended, city and state, and year attended (if applicable)
Child lives with: *
Does your student have any legal custody papers?
Clear selection
Mother or female guardian with whom the student resides (If none, answer none) *
Cell phone number for Mother or female guardian with whom the student resides:
Work phone number for Mother or female guardian with whom the student resides:
Name of business where Mother or female guardian can be located during the day:
Please supply an email address for the mother or female guardian or list "none", if not applicable. *
Father or male guardian with whom the student resides (If none, answer none) *
Cell phone number for father or male guardian with whom the student resides.
Work phone number for father or male guardian with whom the student resides.
Name of business where father or male guardian can be reached during the day:
Please supply an email address for the father or male guardian, or list "none" if not applicable. *
Name of 1st Emergency contact and their phone number *
1st Emergency Contact Relationship to child: choose one *
Can emergency contact 1 pickup your student from school?
Clear selection
Name of 2nd Emergency contact and their phone number *
2nd Emergency Contact Relationship to child: choose one *
Can emergency contact 2 pickup your student from school? *
Name of 3rd Emergency contact and their phone number *
3rd Emergency Contact Relationship to child: choose one *
Can emergency contact 3 pickup your student from school? *
1st additional sibling to register for this school:  Name, Gender (M or F), Birthdate (MM/DD/YYYY), Grade, previous school if applicable
2nd additional sibling to register for this school:  Name, Gender (M or F), Birthdate (MM/DD/YYYY), Grade, previous school if applicable
3rd additional sibling to register for this school:  Name, Gender (M or F), Birthdate (MM/DD/YYYY), Grade, previous school if applicable
4th additional sibling to register for this school:  Name, Gender (M or F), Birthdate (MM/DD/YYYY), Grade, previous school if applicable
Do you have an immediate family member currently in military service?  Please answer yes or no,  and if so, please indicate the name, relationship to your child, and branch of service. *
What language was your child's first language? (English, Spanish, or please specify) *
What language was your child's primary language at home? (English, Spanish, or please specify) *
What language is spoken at home? (English, Spanish, or please specify) *
In which country was your child born? *
Services which your students have received in the past:
Please click all that apply
Do any of your children have life threatening allergies? *
We will always try to reach you in the event of an emergency, but if the school is unable to reach you, do they have your permission to seek emergency medical treatment? *
By placing my name on the line below, I affirm by my oath that my student(s), at this time, is/are not under suspension or expulsion from attendance at a private or public school in this or any other state or has/have been convicted of a felony in this or any other state. (G.S.115C-366) *
Please indicate your name and the date *
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