TVGC Christmas Concert Ticket Booking Form 2022
It's time to make the yuletide gay once more! Come and join TVGC for a celebration of music, LGBTQ+ community and festive cheer.

Just fill in the form, transfer your ticket money using the details on the form, and join us on 11th December.
If you have any questions, email

Time and date: Sunday 11th December at 7pm. The bar is open from 6.30pm (cash only) and we'll carry on the party from 8pm in the church.
Venue: St Luke's Church, Erleigh Road, Reading (
Ticket Price: £10 adults, £5 children (under 16)
How to pay: Bank transfer using the details at the end of the form
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What is your name? (First and surname) *
Email address (we will only use this if we need to contact you about your tickets) *
Would you like to also be emailed information about future TVGC events, like concerts? *
How many adult tickets (16 and over) do you wish to purchase? *
How many child tickets (under 16) do you wish to purchase? *
Have you transferred your payment to TVGC using the details below?
Adult tickets - £10
Child tickets - £5

Account name: Thames Valley Gay Chorus
Account number: 70125189
Sort code: 09 01 55
Business account
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