Community Projects Initiative - Interest Form
Thank you for your interest in collaborating with a worldwide community of developers joining forces to work on three exciting projects.

If you are interested in contributing/developing/learning as a team member on one of the three projects described atĀ (might need to scroll down a bit if you're late to the party), go ahead and provide your details in the form below. I also encourage you to share your original ideas that may be used for future projects.

The form would take just a couple of minutes and you would be through the registration process in no time.

Your e-mail will only be used to send you updates via our listserv.
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Your full name: *
Please provide your phone number starting with country code (e.g. +1 for USA, +91 for India). Your number will not be shared with anyone other than other project group members. *
Please select a project that interests you the most: *
Your choice:
How many hours per week would you like to devote for contributing to this project? *
2 hours
2-4 hours
4-8 hours
8+ hours
Your choice:
One of the best ways you can give back to the community is by volunteering to help out the beginners/newcomers, or by helping different project teams excel in their endeavors. This is your chance to become a part of the executive team in addition to collaborating and getting to know about the project of your interest! Which role are you interested in? *
Optional questions below šŸ‘‡
Please provide suggestions and ideas for future projects (optional).
Job Title (if you're a professional)
Company (if you're a professional)
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